Number | Title |
2110 | Philosophy of Education/District Mission Statement (M) |
2132 | School District Goals and Objectives |
2200 | Curriculum Content (M) |
2210 | Curriculum Development (M) |
2220 | Adoption of Courses (M) |
2230 | Course Guides (M) |
2240 | Controversial Issues |
2260 | Equity in School and Classroom Practices (M) |
2270 | Religion in the Schools |
2310 | Student Grouping |
2312 | Class Size |
2330 | Homework |
2340 | Field Trips |
2360 | Use of Technology |
2361 | Acceptable Use of Computer Networks/Computers and Resources (M) |
2363 | Student Use of Privately-Owned Technology |
2411 | Guidance Counseling (M) |
2412 | Home Instruction Due to Health Condition (M) |
2415 | Every Student Succeeds Act (M) |
2415.02 | Title I – Fiscal Responsibilities (M) |
2415.04 | Title I – District-Wide Parent and Family Engagement (M) |
2415.05 | Student Surveys, Analysis, Evaluations, Examinations, Testing, or Treatment (M) |
2415.06 | Unsafe School Choice Option (M) |
2415.20 | Every Student Succeeds Act Complaints (M) |
2415.30 | Title I – Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care (M) |
2415.50 | Title I – George Washington School Parent and Family Engagement (M) |
2415.51 | Title I – Eleanor Van Gelder School Parent and Family Engagement (M) |
2416 | Programs for Pregnant Students (M) |
2416.01 | Postnatal Accommodations for Students |
2417 | Student Intervention and Referral Services (M) |
2418 | Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – Students (M) |
2419 | School Threat Assessment Team |
2421 | Career and Technical Education |
2422 | Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (M) |
2423 | Bilingual Education (M) |
2425 | Emergency Virtual or Remote Instruction Program (M) |
2428.1 | Standards-Based Instructional Priorities |
2430 | Co-Curricular Activities (M) |
2431.4 | Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries (M) |
2440 | Summer Session |
2460 | Special Education (M) |
2464 | Gifted and Talented Students (M) |
2466 | Needless Public Labeling of Students with Disabilities (M) |
2467 | Surrogate Parents and Resource Family Parents (M) |
2468 | Independent Educational Evaluations |
2481 | Home or Out-of-School Instruction for a General Education Student for Reasons Other Than a Temporary or Chronic Health Condition (M) |
2510 | Adoption of Textbooks |
2520 | Instructional Supplies (M) |
2530 | Resource Materials |
2531 | Use of Copyrighted Materials |
2560 | Live Animals in School |
2610 | Educational Program Evaluation (M) |
2622 | Student Assessment (M) |
2624 | Grading System |
2631 | New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) |
2700 | Services to Nonpublic School Students (M) |